New Here

Worship With Us

You should expect to be treated as part of our family! You will be greeted warmly and given a welcome packet to give you additional information on Faith Church. You should NOT expect to be called out in the service or “put on the spot.” Plain and simple our slogan here is “Love Jesus and Love Others” so expect to be loved as Jesus loves you!


Christian Education For All Ages | 9:00AM
Worship Service | 10:15 AM

What To Expect

What kind of service do you have at Faith Church?

By this question, people are generally asking if we worship by singing contemporary songs or traditional hymns. We have a “blended” worship style which means we sing both contemporary songs and hymns. We try to focus less on what kind of “style” we have and more on the One who we are worshipping.

What’s the dress code for Faith Church?

Short answer….there is no dress code. We are more interested in people coming to know Christ and growing in their relationship with Him than we are in what clothes you are wearing. That being said, however, we kindly remind you that you are coming to worship, so we do ask that modesty win out in your choice of clothing.

What’s the preaching like at Faith?

Passionate. Pastor Brett believes what he is preaching (we think that is a good thing) as so he passionately and unashamedly preaches the Good News of Jesus Christ.

What is expected of me the first time I visit Faith Church?

Absolutely nothing! We want you to relax and take in the different aspects of Faith Church. We want you to know that Faith Church is here for you. There will be plenty of time to figure out how and when you should be involved here at Faith Church, but your first visit is not that time!

Our Beliefs

Faith Church is teamed up with The Evangelical Congregational Church based out of Myerstown, PA. To learn more about the denomination, please click here:

Believing the Bible to be our final authority for faith and Christian living, we affirm the following:

  • That the universe is the purposeful creation of a personal, loving, almighty God.
  • That all human beings are made in the image of the Creator and are of infinite worth.
  • That our world is under the sway of sin as a result of a historical and a personal human rebellion against God, so that suffering, death and separation from God are the experience of humankind; and that without the intervention of God’s grace, this will be the eternal state of all persons.
  • That Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, through his virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death on the Cross, and glorious resurrection and ascension, graciously offers new life to all who receive him by faith.
  • That the Holy Spirit, indwelling believers, gives them a desire and an ability to follow biblical standards of conduct in their personal lives and in society.
  • That the Christian faith is lived in the community of the church, where worship and witness are embodied through the spiritual gifts of its members.
  • That Jesus Christ will return to this world, bring an end to history as we know it, inaugurate the final judgment, and welcome believers into his eternal kingdom.

Our Affiliates

Evangelical Congregational Church
StoneRidge Retirement Community